Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind Applies for High Voltage Electric Cables, More State Control In Atlantic City

Sherri Lilienfeld is organizing the June 25 Press Conference, and contributed to this post.

Submit your objections by e-mail. Appear at the “virtual” online hearing in Atlantic City on June 25.  Come to the in-person Planning Board Hearing in Egg Harbor Township on June 17.  See details below.

Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind and Governor Murphy are moving forward with new plans to build 125 massive wind turbines in the ocean off our beaches from Long Beach Island to Ocean City.  Each one will cost anywhere from $10 to $40 million for each one.  Even at this late stage, we are not being told the exact cost.  We will pay for them with higher taxes and electric and gas bills.  Construction and installation is scheduled to begin this fall.

Their next step is installing massive, high voltage cables and transformers on land by Ritz condos in Atlantic City and in Egg Harbor Township.   However, they need approvals from both towns.

Wind, like lightning and the sun can produce electricity.  However, we cannot use it to power a modern society.  All three are too unreliable and unpredictable. They often come when we don’t need it. We don’t have enough money or materials to build batteries big enough to store their energy. The sun and wind, like lightning, are often not around when we need them.  We need backup generators to burn fossil fuel constantly, because we never know when a cloud will block the sun or when the wind will slow down or stop completely.

The Atlantic County Utilities Authority has had these five wind turbines on its property in Atlantic City since 2005.  However, a private company, Jersey-Atlantic Wind, LLC owns them.  Because of that, we have no idea how much of their electricity was produced when not needed and dumped. We have no idea how much fossil fuel was burned to back them up. For years, we asked Stockton University and local high schools to do research on this, but they never did.

Clink here for link to Podcast where Seth Grossman explained this on WPG Radio in Atlantic City:  Do Science Classes Ever Use Real Models & Experiments To Demonstrate Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, Electric Cars? – Liberty and Prosperity

Click here for link to our 2021 article in the Press of Atlantic City:  Most “Green” Energy From Wind Turbines, Solar Panels Is Wasted. Reprinted From – Liberty and Prosperity

Three years ago, respected environmentalist Michael Shellenberger spoke in Ocean City and explained how nuclear power plants are the safest and most affordable way to produce electricity without  fossil fuels.  Click here for link to our 2021 post about his 2021 appearance here:  Ten Climate Protesters Are Headline News. No Coverage For “Apocalypse Never” Author And Crowd. – Liberty and Prosperity

Although wind energy, like lightning, is too intermittent and unpredictable to power an electric grid, wind, like lightning, can produce large amounts of electricity for short period of times. That would produce “Electro-Magnetic Fields” (EMF’s) around the massive high voltage cables and transformers bringing electricity from ocean wind turbines to Atlantic City and Egg Harbor Township.  The latest disclosures indicate that the cables to be installed on the Atlantic City beach will carry 1500 MegaWatts of current. Several studies have suggested that frequent exposure to EMF’s can have harmful effects.  Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind is proposing to install high voltage cables under the Atlantic City beach and Boardwalk by Iowa Avenue, and next to the Ritz Condominium.

It also proposes to build an “Underground Transition Vault” there. These concrete vaults contain much of the equipment found on overhead utility poles, including power lines, transformers, regulators and switches. Overheated or burning
electric cables in an underground vault can produce highly reactive gases, such as hydrogen, acetylene and ethylene.

Those high voltage transmission lines would then run under the streets of the Chelsea residential neighborhood and Pleasantville and connect with high voltage transformers to be built by Hingston Avenue in Egg Harbor Township.

At 10 AM on Tuesday, June 25, Seth Grossman of Liberty and Prosperity and other community leaders will hold a press conference at Iowa Avenue and the Boardwalk where those high voltage transmission lines are to be installed.  We invite you to attend.  That way you can learn important information to present at the “virtual” hearing that night at 6pm.

This proposal will also hurt Atlantic City residents and property owners in other ways. The Atlantic City Beach is a public park that received “Green Acres” funds from state government in the past.  If Atlantic City allows industrial transmissions cable to be installed on that park, it must put other land under state “Green Acres” control.  In government/bureaucrat talk, the city must make “Diversion Request to use the Iowa/California Avenue beach for industrial use, instead of a “Green Acres” park.  To do that, the city must put other land (“Compensation Land“) under Green Acres state control.  If that is done, the City will be unable to improve, repair, or change anything on that land without expensive and difficult state approval.  The state could also deny any application for almost any reason–including political ones!

The City is now proposing that its Boat House, Pete Pallito Baseball Fields, and other recreational areas by the back bay in Chelsea, Chelsea Heights, and Bader Field be “Compensation Land” under state “Green Acres” control.

This will not benefit any Atlantic City resident or property owner in any way. It isimportant for all of us to make our views known at “virtual” public hearing. It will be held online at 6pm tonight. Also note that written comments will be accepted up until July 9, 2024. is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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