Will South Jersey conservatives be better off if Democrat Bill Hughes, Jr. defeats Republican Congressman Frank Lobiondo in November?
Democrat ?Bill Hughes, Jr. ?is running against 10 term incumbent Republican Congressman Frank LoBiondo in NJ’s 2d Congressional District, which includes A... Read more.
Weekly Update — July 21, 2014
We Will NOT Conform!Glenn Beck’s nationally publicized “interactive” Common Core event is tonight in theaters across America at 8:00 p.m. R... Read more.
How will it all end?
Rick Ackerman, a well-known?Colorado financial analyst who graduated Atlantic City High School in 1967 was back in Margate last night for?a special?class?reunio... Read more.
Atlantic County freeholders reject proposed $3 extra tax on each document filed with County Clerk.
Because roughly 83,000 documents are filed each year, the new tax would have collected $250,000 per year. ? Under state law, a “Homeless Prevention Task F... Read more.
NJ’s “Casino Reinvestment Development Authority” is spending lots of money to bring cruise ships to Atlantic City.
We locals know the idea is ridiculous.? Cruise ships are too big, our Inlet is too small, and the ocean around us is too rough, shallow, unpredictable and dange... Read more.
“Progressives” try to “fundamentally change” Atlantic City & America. Republicans push back.
?The generation of Americans that fought the Civil War thought they perfected American liberty when they amended the Constitution to? end slavery and guarantee ... Read more.
1978-2014: Casinos without liberty fail to save Atlantic City.
1976:? New Jersey Constitution amended to permit casino gambling in Atlantic City.? Because casino gambling? is illegal in every other state but Nevada, Atlanti... Read more.
1929-1978: Progressives take over–And slowly grind down Atlantic City–and America.
In March, 1929, Republican Herbert Hoover became President following his landslide victory the previous November.? ???Eight months later, the stock market crash... Read more.
Atlantic City Timeline: 1854-1914
1849:?? Defeated in politics and worn out from his grueling rural medical practice, ?52 year old Dr. Jonathan Pitney gets idea to build health resort on norther... Read more.
The First 60 years of Atlantic City. (1854-1914) Remarkable liberty. Remarkable growth & prosperity.
In ?1854, only seven families lived? on the mostly empty sand-dune island now known as ?Atlantic? City .?? ?Just 60 years later, that same island was a rich, mo... Read more.