Gov Christie “Snow Emergency”. Courts closed statewide. But no snow in Atlantic County.
Light rain. Temperature 40 deg. No justice for my clients. No money today for them or me. But taxes due. “Non-essential” court employees off with pa... Read more.
I normally have a Diet coke with a sandwich for lunch.
Today, I ordered the house iced tea without even thinking. What would Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton do if Coca Cola offended blacks the way it offended conservat... Read more.
February 8, 2014: Are we better off with a Democrat than Republican Congressman Frank LoBiondo?
How do we benefit if the Congress that destroys America is run by Republicans? 9:30 A.M. Business/Board Meeting? instead of Breakfast Discussion this Saturday a... Read more.
Are we better off with a Democrat than a “Republican” Congressman like Frank LoBiondo?
How do we benefit if the Congress that destroys America is run by Republicans? ? ? ?Most folks at last Breakfast Discussion agreed with Rush Limbaugh http://www... Read more.
Saw lots of work construction, help-wanted signs while visiting Brickell section of Miami, Florida last week.
Real Republican Governor, no state income tax, lots of good, 4 lane divided highways with no tolls (gas only a few cents more), no unions, no special tax breaks... Read more.
Pete Seeger–his songs always advanced the Communist party line of the day.
See: ?? ?In 1938, songs of Seeger & his mentor Woodrow Wilson (Woody) Guthrie supported war against Fascists in S... Read more.
A Great Letter to the Editor: When Will Liberals Wake Up And Smell The Gulag
Check out this letter to the editor courtesy of the West Jersey Tea Party: Letter to the editor: When Will Liberals Wake Up And Smell The Gulag How many example... Read more.
School Choice and Common Core: Mortal Enemies
Michelle Malkin writes a great post on school choice and common core standards. ? Here are some highlights: Family participation is not an afterthought. It̵... Read more.
National School Choice Week
26 January - 1 February is National School Choice Week.
Our 7th Liberty Principle for 2014 is - Allow parents to apply their share of state public education ... Read more.
Weekly Update – Wisconsin Gov. Walker did it right.
1. Don't force teachers to join unions. 2. Cut spending. 3. Cut taxes.... Read more.