Principle vs. Compromise: A Case of Throwing out the Baby with the Bathwater
Is it ever permissible to abandon one’s principles for political expediency? For many voters at a visceral level, the response is a resounding “no,” that reneging on one’s promises is inexcusable. But when they meet their representative face to face,
Failure Worship and Methane
By Alex Epstein Questions from his speeches. Energy Fun Fact #1 – Failure Worship Q: Could it be that the thinking within the Green movement, which seems so detrimental to their own well-being, reflects a form of self-loathing? A: It
Polar Bears and Human Impact
By Alex Epstein Question from his speeches. Q: I think many of us have seen videotapes of polar bears, the ice floe breaking up and they don’t have any place to go. How do you respond to that kind
Germany – Grid Issues
By Alex Epstein Question from his speeches. Q: Why don’t fossil fuel advocates use Germany more as an example of solar and wind failing to replace fossil fuels? A: It’s being more and more used. What is interesting is when
Settled and Unsettled Science
By Alex Epstein Question from his speeches. Q: David Collum of Cornell University says that the relationship between CO2 increase and global temperature changes is too complex and unknowable. What’s your take on that? A: He’s an interesting guy.
9.27.24 Fitzherbert WOND RADIO Part 2
Podcast: Play in new windowFitzherbert is on fire today on Talking with Anne – part 2! Brian continues with Anne Baker talking about everything from the Israel/ Hamas/Hezbollah war, the anti-American immigration policies of Biden/Harris, the Kamala train wreck and
9.27.24 Fitzherbert WOND RADIO Part 1
Podcast: Play in new window“Fitzherbert is on fire today on Talking with Anne – part 1! Brian Fitzherbert, president of Liberty and Prosperity, a not-for-profit education organization, joins Anne Baker each Friday at 11am and brings a big plate of
The Social Cost of Carbon
The Social Cost of Carbon By Alex Epstein Q: The “social cost of carbon” was $50/ton a few decades ago. Now they’re even saying it’s over $100/ton. But if you look at the benefits of fossil fuels, the social cost
9.20.24 Fitzherbert Friday Radio: Rabid Anti-American Left
Podcast: Play in new windowThis is Anne Baker together with my cohost, Brian Fitzherbert. On talking with Anne and Fitzherbert Friday. And I know Luke’s there too because I I heard just a tiny little bit of babbling, which he’s
9.20.24 Fitzherbert Friday Radio: Kamala Harris
Podcast: Play in new windowBrian Fitzherbert calls out the media protecting the Kamala Harris campaign; Kamala, for a campaign of lies; and some in the electorate for falling for the charade.” WOND Radio 9.20.24 Brian Fitzherbert Brian T. Fitzherbert is
Bangladesh, Recycling, Electric Bills, WOND RADIO, 9.17.24
Podcast: Play in new windowSeth discusses the tragedies unfolding in Bangladesh, wasted recycling programs, and soaring electricity bills for consumers, with ‘Freedom Zone’ host Dan Klein.” 9-17-24 South Jersey Patriot View all posts
Why There Will Never Be a Zero Emission Electricity System Powered Mainly By Wind And Solar
Why There Will Never Be A Zero Emissions Electricity System Powered Mainly By Wind And Sun September 21, 2024/ Francis Menton “Net Zero” — That’s the two-word slogan that has been adopted as the official goal of every virtuous state